Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Titanium fork crack

This is not my excuse for not riding but... nuff said!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

21 mile'r

This past weekend, Austin, Andrew, and Henry explored the countryside of Germantown. Schaeffer to Black Hills...a 2.5 hour round trip tour. The highlight would have had to be Andrew's tire that kept on rolling while taking in a 16 penny framing nail.This is a true test of the Geax Saguaro 29er tire!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Todays ride at the Watershed were Austin, Henry, Lindsay, Andrew, Eric and Wayne. We rode from around 10:30 to 3 (got lost a little). It was a long ride with lots of hills and rocks. I ran out of water and was completely exhausted. It was awesome!

Several of these large rocks on trail

We did several of these long uphill/downhills filled with rocks

Austin showed us section where there were 6 ft dropoffs

Henry Bike

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Morning Choice Trail

Waynes Bike (sorry, forgot to get upright photo)

Big log won

Rockburn Handlebar

Thursday, July 9, 2009

my new monkey

This is the newest addition to the family...the Soma fab juice frame is done and this is the new ride!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hoyles Mill

For this holiday ride, we decided to go for Hoyles Mill Connector. It was Andrew, Austin, Lindsay and Randy. We started off at Schaeffer and made our way to Black Hill, rode around there, and came back. It was an awesome ride and around 20 miles total. Actually, Austin and Lindsay did another 10 because they rode Schaeffer when we got back. The connector is some tight singletrack, with some open gravel roads, along with a few rocks and some little jumps. Riding around Black Hill is fun also as there are some decent hills.

Nice Scenary...I mean the bike not the field :)

Refilling our water bottles

Our Bikes...a little on the dirty side





Friday, April 24, 2009

Titanium Rickshaw?

...I guess not, since there is rust. But check out the other cool parts on this bike.

Check out this handlebar

While in China, I saw this handlebar on a bike

Sunday, March 22, 2009