Friday, February 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Favorite Mag

I have subscriptions to Dirt Rag (well had), Mountain Bike Action and Bicycling Magazines. And by far, the one I like the most is the one with least amount of Mountain Bikes - Bicycling. Why, because even though it's filled with mostly road bikes, there is a ton of stuff on training from all different aspects. You just don't get that in the others mags. And most of the bikes in the mountain bike magazines are full suspension. Since we ride mostly single speed, I'm finding little interest in them. Anyone, just wanted to throw that out there.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cabin John run

It was a beautiful ride at the Frederick watershed this morning but because I was lazy, I have no photos to show for it.I rode with Ricky and Darwin and it was a good ride. I crashed once going up a big boulder but was alright after the adrenaline settled. Lots of Rocks and it was a true test of the new Titec H-Bar; I'm still getting used to them...they're great though. However, here are pics of Lindsay and Henry at Cabin John on the same beautiful day!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The new bar

I like it! It's a pretty sweet's growing on me.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Broken Pedal

My brother and I took on the Hoyles Mill trail since we haven't ridden the whole thing. So we started off at Black Hill and was going to head to Schaeffer and back. Not sure how long it was going to be but seemed around 20 miles round trip. Well, 5 miles into the trail my brothers pedal came off. A bolt came loose inside the pedal. My brother was still able to ride with just the spindle though. So we headed back.

My brother just took the pedal apart and found the problem. Check out the precision bearings at bottom.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cabin John Cyclocross

Beginning of ride. Notice how clean our bikes are.

Austin's shoes. Pretty much how rest of ours looked.

My front tire wiped out from under me. At least it was a soft landing on mud.

Birds Nest

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Boo Boo on my Leg - Discretion Advised

I was playing around on my new bike in my garage and my foot popped out of pedal and scraped my's kinda gross...didn't hurt as bad as it looks.