Sunday, December 2, 2007


Demoing a 29er from Germantown Cycles. It was my first time riding a 29er. I was sold!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Loch Raven

Austin, Noory, Matt, Patrick, Lindsay

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Fountain Head

Here are some pictures and videos of Fountain Head.

Overall, the trail was a great training ground. It was very hilly. It felt like 90% of the course was going up a hill. There is also a viscious downhill at the end. I fell 4 times due mostly to the sand at various spots. It may sound like we didn't have fun but we all want to go back. It was such great training! ~Andrew

Parking Lot

Gearing Up

The guy sitting on back of truck kept staring at us.

Seesaws. All three of us did the right one. Randy did both.

Long log to balance on. Randy did the whole thing.

Roots on parts of trail

Downhill at end. Andrew fell at the top. It was very steep!

Lindsay taking on technical section

Lindsay on Seesaw

Randy on Seesaw

Randy on Log

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cranky Monkey 12 Hour Race Pictures/Videos

The 12 Hours of Cranky Monkey Mountain Bike Relay will challenge solo racers and teams of 2 or 3 as they complete as many 10-mile laps as possible in a 12 hour period, from 8am-8pm. Below is some footage of Austin, Lindsay, and Randy as they took on this endeavor.

Video of Base Camp

Video of Start of Race. It required running around a field to get to your bike. Austin was the chosen one to start.





Other Pictures (of someone else)

7th place in their division

To View other Pictures go to the website Here

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Austin's progress at the 12 hr race...

Here's a picture of the text Austin sent me while he was resting from a lap.
Sent 1:53:37pm

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Gambrill State Park

We made our venture into Gambrill State Park this past weekend. I will say one word about that place - ROCKY. It was a very technical ride because of the rocks, but it was very fun. I personally felt it was good training. We couldn't bike the entire ride though because it was too rocky in several places. So, it was a mixture of biking and hiking. Overall, I had fun but would only do this once a year. ~ Andrew

The first 10 minutes of ride involved going up a hill that was very rocky. This is us after going up the hill. Most of us got off our bikes and hiked. Several of us were exhausted.

Patrick and Matt contemplating how to go over rock.

Rest of us wondering if Matt and Patrick will make it over the rock.







Red Trail

They were letting ground hogs loose in the park.

After the ride.